Carmen Kass

Winona Ryder

Lucy Liu
Hello My Lovely Readers and Fellow Bloggers,
I have a very special announcement to make. I will be hosting the first ever Illustrators Drawing Illustrators project here on Travel Write Draw!! Now before I get into the specifics of how this project will play out, and how all you amazing readers will participate, I would like to explain how this very idea came into fruition. I've been drawing famous people since the tender age of 16 (possibly even younger). The above portraits of Carmen Kass, Winona Ryder, and Lucy Liu stand as a testimony to this statement. In the three months that I've had my blog, I've also come across a lot of brilliant illustrators drawing public figures as well. It sort of occurred to me that illustrators never draw each other and why should we be excluded from all the fun?!
I guess the logical answer would be that we could always draw ourselves. But quite frankly, that gets to be a bit boring lol, at least for me. I would love nothing more than to be drawn by one of the amazing illustrators I follow regularly in this crazy blogosphere. A few days ago the incredible Veronika from
Notes to Self left a comment on my post stating that she would love to draw me if I don't draw myself first. That solidified the idea for me, that maybe, just maybe, other illustrators would like to have their portrait drawn too. Hence,
Illustrators Drawing Illustrators was born. Basically this will work like a blog crawl, whereby submitting your name you will be assigned a blogger to draw, and on the same day we will all post the portraits we drew and link to that person's blog.
How This Will Work
1. Email your name and blog address to me at meaganmorrison@hotmail.com NO later than Dec 28th, 2010 in order to participate.
2. Please put 'Illustrators Drawing Illustrators' as the subject line so I don't miss you.
3. On Dec 29th, 2010 I will place everyone's name in a hat and the first name I pull will draw the second name, and the very last name I pull will draw the first.
4. On Dec 29th, 2010 I will post on my blog who will be drawing who and it will be YOUR responsibility to ensure you receive a photo from the individual you're assigned to draw. If you don't want to give a photo, an alternative could be a portrait of that person's blog or art style.
5. On January 11th, 2011 each participating individual will post the portrait they drew of the blogger they were assigned and a link to that individual's blog. This way people can crawl from one blog to the next and end up at the first participator all in one go.
6. The portrait idea, concept, is entirely open and up to you. By no means is this project limited to age, skill level. This is open to ALL artists, art lovers, and art dabblers.
Lastly, I ask that if you email me to participate that you be 100% committed to this. I would feel awful if one person didn't hold up and someone didn't get their portrait drawn. Leave any questions and comments below here and I will definitely take everything into consideration. This is an opportunity to be exposed to all the amazing illustrators out there, and develop an even stronger network with people in this incredible field. I look forward to hearing from you.
Lots of love,
Meag xx