Holiday Card Ideas

Me before my FIT interview (Dec 16th 2008)

Winter time always makes me feel incredibly nostalgic. For better or worse, so much of my time before Christmas is spent thinking about all the people I love, have loved, and lost. It's a time to reevaluate everything we wanted out of the past year and all the things we hope to gain in the new. 2010 certainly wasn't the easiest to live through but by god was it ever one of the most rewarding. Dec 17th marked the two year anniversary of my interview here at FIT. When I think about how much my life has changed since that day I'm nearly brought to tears.
People might find it strange how emotional I feel with regards to my fashion illustration degree. It's just that when I look back and see how close I came to never pursuing my dream, when I think of all the possibilities I could have missed, when I realize that I'm happier now then I've ever been, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I couldn't imagine my life being any other way now and I'm so grateful I took that great big leap of faith. Anyways, in this post I've included two photos from Dec 16th 2008 (the eve of my FIT interview) to coincide with some holiday card ideas. Just goes to show that you never know where life is going to take you. Enjoy!!
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