The Men's Collection

FULLCIRCLE Accessories

Editing the Men's Collection

My Sales Meeting Opus Hotel Room

I apologize for leaving you with such a 'cliffhanger' in the first installment of my series on how I came to find fashion illustration. Although I have to admit, your reactions were so delicious to read, secretly I'm not too sorry. For those of you who are just tuning in, you can start reading at the beginning here. Now as I recall I left you all at the Nicholas Metivier Gallery where I was approached by a model with a prospect. I was standing in front of Close's gigantic Kate Moss print being pestered by a bit of a lush, who apparently was quite a regular at their openings. Suddenly this beautiful, sympathetic girl approached me and ushered me aside.
She saved me in that moment in more ways than one. We started talking a little about what we did for a living and I explained that I had just completed my internship at FASHION a few mere hours before this opening. I also explained that I was looking to find work in a gallery. I remember her disappointment when I told her I was moving away from fashion because according to her she knew of the perfect position for me. Toronto's leading sales agency was looking for a new rep for a UK clothing line called FULLCIRCLE. She herself had once occupied the position but had since moved to ad sales at Jeanne Beker's FQ Magazine.
I remember thinking that this could be a really great start for me. This encounter had to be a 'sign'. By the next morning the model had emailed me, put me in contact with the agency, and set-up my interview date. I met with the owners on a Saturday, three days after the opening, and was offered the job on the spot. It was a fast paced turnover because they needed me to attend meetings in Montreal that same week to view the new Men's and Women's collection. I was offered a clothing allowance so that I would literally be selling the brand wherever I went. Suddenly I was responsible for selling this collection to all Ontario retail accounts.
It wouldn't be a stretch to say that I was in WAY over my head. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for challenges, but I was really working against A LOT. I would rather not divulge the specifics because at the end of the day I'm tremendously grateful for the opportunity to have worked with this agency. Furthermore, sometimes discovering what you don't want to do pushes you even closer to what you do. I just didn't want to sell, plain and simple. After making a close friendship with one of the other reps there, I told her of my longing to combine both fashion and art. She suggested I research illustration. Shortly after I called a meeting with my boss.
To be continued...
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