The older I get, the more I feel how I've been shaped and shifted by the people I've met, the more I realize that I could never go back, could never occupy the same space I once did. But when I think of who meant the most, who marked me most irreversibly, I only think of you - Meagan Morrison
Hello Lovelies,
Happy Sunday to you all. You have no idea just how much I've missed you and our conversations. Today's post incorporates some of my final class sketches from fourth semester. I had wanted to post them earlier but felt, much like I did with Petal Pushers, that these works needed just a little something extra. Susan's stances in these illustrations made me think of shape and opposition, how an object can force us to stand differently, shift our weight. I guess between the images themselves and my excitement over summer, fruit got tossed in the mix :)
The word Shapeshifter kept playing over in my head when thinking about this post. I like how the figures seemed shaped and shifted by the lime slices and blackberries. But most of all, I love that in life we are shaped and shifted by the world around us. Now that I've officially graduated I can't help but look back on everything that has lead me to where I am today. I'm reminded of my 20th birthday gift in which someone very special bought me books on moving to New York as if they knew all along that this is where I was meant to be.
Shapeshifting might only apply to having the ability to change your physical form at will. But I think I'm being shape-shifted every step of the way by the people I meet who touch me dearly.
Lots of love,
Meag xx
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