Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hop Stoopid

If you like IPAs and you haven't tried Lagunita's Hop Stoopid, you need to get on it. It comes in a handy 22 oz bottle that will remind you of your High School years. I mean college. Yeah. I meant college. If you don't like IPAs, Lagunitas has a bunch of other varieties that are good as well. However, if you don't like IPA, Kim, who hosts this hop, may not like you anymore. It's your choice. This beer is from California, naturally. I went to their beer fest last year and got to try some good ones! I suggest you head to your local grocer, grab a Hop Stoopid and then get comfortable while you Look What I Did Last Week.

See - Everyone likes Hops Stoopid!

This week, I signed up for a race! 
It's September 18th. 
That means I have less than a month to train. Eeek.
By the way, if you have never done a race, you should try it. 
It is way more fun than "normal running". There is something addicting about it. 
I train just so I can run these races.
I am training with Hal. He says: 

Is that like a "New York" State of mind Hal? 

 As you saw earlier this week, now that I am training, I can eat this from time to time. 

This week has been a strange weather week. I am enjoying the clouds. 

Remember when I asked how to fix my iPod, which has been wigging out from the humidity (I think)? I was told to put it in rice.  So I tried it. I will try anything. I need my iPod.

It did help a little. I am still having issues, but they ARE fewer and farther between. 
I am still going to use that rice. 

I tried to find a new running path, but why the heck are there no sidewalks in these places?!!

So I went to the tried and true. Below is my pre-run kit. 
Notice the bug spray. There are chiggers here. If you don't know what a chigger is, consider yourself VERY, VERY lucky. I got a bite over a month ago and it STILL ITCHES. 
Click here if you want to be grossed out.

It was cooler and LESS HUMID! Finally.

 After my run, I bought myself a little gift. 
Ahhhh. Sweet yummy goodness. 
 I couldn't stop guzzling it long enough to take a photo, so this is the only picture I got. 

I did get a light one though, and apparently it paid off. 
I have to cinch my belt two notches tighter!

I went grocery shopping. The blueberries are still fresh! 
I am taking advantage while I can!
Oh and I bought a whole watermelon. I live alone.

I DID eat the entire thing by myself. In less than a week, mind you. 

I also bought lemons, as I have been on an iced tea kick and love a nice cold tea with lemon. 

 I made another pot of chili. Yup, it's an old standby. I usually make about 10+ servings and then freeze 2/3 of it (in two separate containers) so I can just pull one out at a later date. 

Okay, you may not remember this barn. I have taken a picture of it before. Maybe a month or so ago. You can see that photo HERE. What a difference, right? It's kind of fun to take photos of the same things and see how they progress over time.

How was your week? Have you ever gotten a chigger bite? 
Have you ever run a race? 
Do you know how to fix my iPod?

This post is part of these hops: 


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