There are some really strange foods out there, that you may or may not have seen before. Here are some of the ones that I enjoyed trying, looking at, laughing at, and of course, most importantly, taking photos of while traveling around the world.
You can find more weird foods over on WRTR, where I talk about Snake fruit and Dragon fruit!
Have you tried any of these? What other weird foods have you seen or tried?
Egypt: Chicken Livers
Cambodia: Squid on a Stick
China: Jews Ears (a type of mushroom)
Montenegro: Chicken Pate
Nepal: You thought it was a hamburger, but it's a Yak-burger.
New Zealand: Fejoas (a fruit, not a bean)
Portugal: Caracois (Snails)
Italy: Tiny Octopus Babies, with olive oil, naturally
You can find more weird foods over on WRTR, where I talk about Snake fruit and Dragon fruit!
Have you tried any of these? What other weird foods have you seen or tried?
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