Friday, January 11, 2013

2013 Race Calendar

Last year I challenged myself to run 12 half marathons in 2012, thanks to Jill and her inspiration and enthusiasm. I had a great time planning the races, meeting new people, going new places and challenging myself to do something new and fun. I learned a lot about running and along the way, a lot about myself. For instance: Although going commando is fun, I still prefer to wear undies when I run. I learned that I am much faster than I thought I ever could be. I learned the difference between an easy conversational pace and an almost puking pace and everything in between. I ran more miles than I ever have before.

2012 miles run - 1,682 miles.
Highest mileage month - July,  205 miles.
Longest race - 50k
Fastest race - 5k, 21:49

So what does 2013 have in store?

1. I will once again be joining Jill for a running challenge. This year it's 13 in 2013, but instead of all half marathons, it will be a mix of any race length, both trail and road.

2. Jill is also hosting several  virtual races this year.

3. Laura is doing a race series called 5 By The 5th, where you run either a 5k or a 5 mile race (virtual or otherwise) before the 5th of each month from January to June. I already ran my January race and am looking forward to all the rest!

For me it's better to have something to look forward to or to strive for. So challenges like these are a great way to challenge myself to try harder, to run faster, and to beat my own time. I am also really enjoying running with Broski and seeing him improve. I have another friend who wants to run a half marathon and am excited about joining her on her journey as well.

And of course there is this:

I am currently in week 5 of training and despite a little hiccup last week (which is a story for another time) the training is going well! I also just bought my flight last night so it's getting more and more real each day!

How do you plan to stay on track, fitness-wise, in 2013? Do you have any races planned?

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