Friday, June 21, 2013

One Track Mind

I went to a party at a friend's house last weekend and struck up a conversation with a random guest and at one point he asked me if I had any hobbies "besides running". I have to admit, I did stand there with a dazed look on my face for a few seconds.

Of course I do.


Because really, running has taken over a lot of my other habits. That and work. Last week I spent about 10 hours running (not including preparation and/or cleanup) and about 55 hours at work (including getting to and from). But you can't blame it all on these two factors; it is also tiredness, or laziness, or just bad time management in general.

I used to travel. Now I only get 2 weeks off a year and I am mostly using a few days here and there tacked onto weekends in order to, you guessed it, go somewhere to run.


I used to read. Now I read for a half an  hour a day on my bus ride home. Work makes me too tired to read very much, plus I don't have time to use the internet at work, so I tend to do that in the evening instead of reading.

I used to cook. Now I make big batches of stuff over the course of one or two days and then I just eat the same thing over and over (and over). I find it is better on my wallet and my stomach that way. Also it gives me more time to relax (or run).

I used to take photos. With the big camera. Now I ride the bus every day and I don't want to carry it with me so I just use my phone as a camera, if that.


I used to take walks or go to the gym at lunch. Now I have been skipping lunch, eating at my desk and not seeing much of the light of day.

On the weekends I am doing pretty well. I am still making time for a bit of social time, a bit of some of the above, and a little bit of running to boot. But during the week, I would like to manage my time a little bit better. So, in July (because June is almost over), I would like to try to do one of each of those things above for an extra hour a week. Whether it's travel to The Mission for a burrito, or taking a lunch time walk with the big camera, or "cooking" a new type of salad, I want to keep doing the things I love.

Because lately I've found myself focusing on doing one or two things wholeheartedly, and therefore the others have taken a back burner. I don't necessarily need to dial back on the one or two, but I just need to manage my time a little bit better. So hopefully July will be the month of better time management. I do have things planned for every July weekend, so I will not have much extra time, but I do want to make the most of what I have!

Do you ever find yourself putting certain things on the back burner in order to focus on only one or two? If so, what suffers? If not, how do you manage it all?

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