A while back Elle gave me the Liebster award. Liebster is a German word, which means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome. What an honor!
The rules are that each person must post 11 things about themselves, then answer the questions the tagger sent for them, plus create 11 questions for the people they’ve tagged to answer. You are supposed to tag people afterward.
First, here are my 11 things.
1. I don't think there is a fruit I don't like. If you were to ask my what my least favorite is, I would probably say pomegranate, but not because I don't like the flavor; I just don't like all the little seeds. They are weird.
2. Speaking of fruit, currently in my house we have no less the 12 different kinds. Strawberry, blueberry, plum, pluot, watermelon, apple, orange, peach, nectarine, fig, cherry, lemon and grape. I love summer.
3. Regarding what I just said, I will be happy that summer is over because then my friends and I will have more time to hang out. Summer is always so busy with weddings and birthdays and family obligations. I usually spend more time with friends in Spring and Fall. Hurray for Fall.
4. I have never been kite surfing, but would like to try it.
5. I have hiked to the top of Mt. Whitney and Mt. Shasta. Shasta is lower, but was more difficult.
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The summit of Mt. Shasta -- 14,179 ft -- June 2009 |
6. I have never been to Montana. Or Idaho. Both are on my list! I drove through Utah, Colorado and Wyoming, but would like to go back and see more of them too!
7. In order to travel everywhere on my list, I need someone to donate a million dollars to my cause. Any takers?
8. I like cats more than I like dogs. However, the hair from either really turns me off. I hate hair.
9. I am a neat freak. I have to make my bed every day, no matter what. I also don't like leaving any dishes in the sink. Coming home to a clean house is so welcoming to me. (see: above comments about hair)
10. I dislike it when people are late and/or flakey. I find it disrespectful.
11. I would rather text, write a letter or email than talk on the phone.
Here are the questions Elle asked us:
1. What is your favorite season? Why? My favorite season is probably Fall. Although it's a margin of .000002 from the other three. I love them all. Why? Fall is crisp and it has that certain smell to the air. Winter is Christmas and family and silent snowy days. Spring is green and new and crisp and bright. Summer is long warm days and friends and outdoors and water and sun!
2. What is the most exotic place you have visited? I am not sure what "exotic" means, but I think Southeast Asia is pretty cool. I love all the old architecture in Thailand and Indonesia and Malaysia. It's so different from ours. There are other places that are nice but I wouldn't call them "exotic".
3. Do you have pets? What kind? Oops, I guess I kind of answered this one above. No. The hair, remember?
4. What is your favorite way to unwind? If I am stressed, I usually go for a run or bake. If I just feel like relaxing, I read or water the garden or stare at the tomatoes to see how much bigger they have gotten since yesterday.
5. Do you have any food issues? Special dietary needs? No, thank goodness.
6. Favorite snack? I usually snack on fruit (see number 2 in the first list), but if I am feeling like something naughty, it's probably going to be cheez-its. Or those nachos from the ball park with the grossly delicious fake cheese.
7. Favorite flowers? Anything colorful!
8. Have you ever met any other bloggers? Yes. I have met several and they have all been great!
9. Do your real life friends and family members read your blog? Do they know about it? Yes. They don't comment though. They are all lurkers.
10. How do you celebrate your birthday? I don't really do a huge thing. It's usually right around Mother's Day, so we do a duel get together for that. This year my brother took me out to one of my favorite San Francisco restaurants!
San Francisco pre-dinner birthday walk |
11. What motivates you to exercise and eat well? Vanity? Health? Performance? ALL of the above.
Well, I am not going to tag anyone, but why don't you answer one (or all) of these questions in the comments (unless you want to post it on your blog; that works too!)
1. What special talent do you have?
2. What was your most embarrassing moment?
3. If you could eat one thing, anything, right now without having to make it or pay for it or suffer calorie consequences or indigestion, what would it be?
4. Which is your favorite Bob: the builder, the happy painter, or Barker?
5. What is your favorite and why: lake, river, ocean, stream?
6. How do you feel about earrings on men?
7. If you could alter one body part, what would it be?
8. If you met the Dalai Lama, what would you say to him?
9. Would you rather be able to breathe under water or to fly?
10. How do you take your coffee?
11. Name a hero in your life and tell me why they are your hero.
Have a great week!
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