Current Book - Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum -- so far this book is EXCELLENT and I can barely put it down! I am about half way through so far!
Current Drink - Beer
Current Excitement - I am hoping to go skiing soon!! The weather has been gorgeous and it has been snowing this week so it should be a great weekend for some fresh powder!
Current Excitement - I am hoping to go skiing soon!! The weather has been gorgeous and it has been snowing this week so it should be a great weekend for some fresh powder!
Current fashion trend - I have been seeing a lot of leggings on men. Mostly in the fitness world. But fellas, there are just some things you should really keep hidden. You know what I am talking about.
Current Favorite Blog/Website - RunningAhead. I use it to track my miles, shoes, and routes while running. It's fun to see how many miles each of my shoes have on them and how much it has cost me per mile for that particular shoe! Best so far: $0.08 per mile!
Current Garden Item - Dirt. It's time to start planting!
Current Love - Music/Concerts. I saw Muse in January, Jake Shimabukuro this month, and am going to Vampire Weekend in April and Bottle Rock in May. I am really loving the live music lately!
Current Food - Korean food. I love it all but the best part is all the little side dishes! I have had up to 20 at a time at this place!
Current Indulgence - Maple almonds, or nuts in general. I have been going to town on them lately!
Currently Pondering - Boston logistics. Hotels are SO expensive, but do I want to sleep on someone's couch the night before the big race? Decisions, decisions....
Current Mood - A little tired, but it's nothing I can't handle. Otherwise, pretty darn satisfied. Life is good.
Currently Pondering - Boston logistics. Hotels are SO expensive, but do I want to sleep on someone's couch the night before the big race? Decisions, decisions....
Current Mood - A little tired, but it's nothing I can't handle. Otherwise, pretty darn satisfied. Life is good.
Current New Find - Go Pago -- Its an app where you can order and pay for your food and then just go and pick it up (or have it delivered). I haven't used it much but it's great when you are in a crunch for time. I think it's only good in San Francisco and Dallas (go figure) but there are similar ones like GrubHub and Seamless.
Current Outfit - Same ol', same ol', OH, except I got a hydration vest! Hurray!
Current Peeve - Litterbugs! I sat and watched two girls on the streets of San Francisco eat their McDonalds burgers and then throw the wrappers on the ground! At first I thought it was an accident and they were going to pick them up, but NO, it was blatant littering in the middle of the sidewalk!
Current Song -
Current Triumph - I ran a 24 mile trail run and I was NOT sore the next day! And I went to the DMV and I didn't pull out any hair or hurt anyone!
Current TV Show - Army Wives. It's silly, but I am kind of hooked.
Current Wish-List - A trip to Nepal. Or anywhere really, but I really love Nepal.
Do you sort your photos? What are you currently pondering?
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